Regional Grains - Proximity Malt

Regional Grains

Regional Grains


Our commitment to sourcing the best possible malting barley varieties means we continuously seek out the next opportunity. For Proximity, that means keeping abreast of varietal developments worldwide, developing strong breedinging program partnerships, and investing in localized barley performance trials. We employ our substantial expertise to pipeline new varietal options that are best suited for both our brewing and distilling customers, while also being adaptive to the agronomic realities of our Colorado and Delaware barley-growing regions.

As long-term partners in both grain communities, Proximity Malt introduces local growers to agronomically superior barley varieties of origin, specifically bred for ‘all-malt’, craft-style beers, or spirits. We partner with our grower groups to bridge the gap between small plot testing and on farm intraregional performance to launch new genetics into our pipelines responsibly with pure certified seed stocks. Our current varieties are flavorful, disease-resistant cultivars that thrive in our chosen North American locations. Both were bred for all-malt brewing and are naturally lower in protein, with ideal enzyme ratios and extract levels.

Proximity Malt uses winter barley varieties for the Mid-Atlantic sourcing, which enriches the soil, acts as a barrier to soil erosion, and slows the agrochemical leaching into nearby watersheds.

grain odyssey avalon


LCS Odyssey is quickly becoming a preferred spring two-row option for all malt styles of beer across the US. With a malting profile tailored for the craft industry and agronomic yield levels that compete with feed barley varieties, LCS Odyssey was recently added to the AMBA list of recommended varieties. LCS Odyssey has naturally lower levels of protein, offering farmers utilizing high input management strategies an opportunity to push acreage yields while still landing safely within contract specifications. For those all-malt whiskey distillers, Odyssey is a Null-GN variety. Click here to see our product page (link to Null-GN base malt). Click here to learn more about Odyssey from the Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS) website.


VT’s Avalon is a two-row winter barley, one of the first cultivars released by the Small Grains Breeding program that can be used for malting. It has a shorter overall plant height, an early maturity and consistently produces exceptional test weight. Avalon is respected for its malting quality attributes, early sprouting, winter hardiness and resistance to Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus. Proximity Malt supports the planting of Avalon on the Eastern Seaboard of the US. Click here to read more about the breeding program at VT and click here to learn more about the malting qualities of Avalon.

Winter barleys such as Avalon are especially valuable to growers in the Mid Atlantic region as they allow for an earlier harvest when compared to wheat, providing additional time for double cropped soybeans. Winter barleys are known to be less erosive to soil, an especially notable benefit for our Delaware malthouse growing regions around Chesapeake Bay. By contracting winter varieties such as Avalon that are favorable to growers, the brewer and the soil, Proximity is leading the way for greater sustainability in malting.

Proximity Malt